NUNI International Lecture Series 2 in collaboration with Victorian Government Trade and Investment Office in Indonesia
NUNI stands for the Nationwide University Network in Indonesia. It is an association of 21 public and private universities in Indonesia. These universities have been working together for 9 years to improve Indonesian universities’ competitiveness within the global higher education sector. Through academic collaborations, NUNI highlights three main activities: student mobility, faculty/staff mobility, and research collaboration.
The NUNI International Lecture Series from the 26th – 30th October 2020 is a joint initiative with the Victorian Government aimed at sharing insights on particular topics related to the pandemic. Through the speakers presentations we hope that the Indonesian higher education community as well as the global community, will also achieve new ways of working together.
The exceptional speakers from Deakin University, RMIT University, Victoria University, Australian Catholic University (Melbourne) and Swinburne University of Technology will give you a memorable virtual seminar experience.
Please find the details in the posters below.

This seminar is also open for Public.
See you there!
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