[NUNIxYoutap UMKM Academy] Webinar Kelas Pertama: Product and Branding “How to generate product and brand positioning”
The Collaboration of NUNI and British Council Indonesia: Info Session of Scholarships for Women in STEM
Info Session Scholarships British Council: Women in STEM
HMTI Unika Soegijapranata mempersembahkan: SCxS (Short Course x Seminar)
Erasmus+ IN2FOOD National Seminar (Online) on Food Waste Management
Benefits of Coming to Jakarta for Student Exchange Program
P2A VIRTUAL MOBILITY “Language and Social Behavior” (2nd – 13th August 2021)
Bank Indonesia Corner: Fintech, Bagaimana Perannya Dalam Akselerasi Masyarakat Digital Indonesia?
Program Merdeka Belajar NUNI Semester Genap Tahun Akademik 2021/2022