
Parahyangan Catholic University or UNPAR was founded in January 17th 1955, and initiated by Bishop of Bandung—Mgr. P.M. Arntz and Bishop of Bogor—Prof. Dr. Nicolaus Johannes Cornelius Geise, OFM. The university is located at the center of West Java Province— City of Bandung. The City of Bandung is wellknown as Paris van Java.

Unpar Vision

Being a faith-based academic community that develops the local potential at an international level for the sake of raising the level of human dignity.

Unpar perception on Human Values

Our motto “Bakuning Hyang Mrih Guna Santyaya Bhakti” – In God we pursue the science and knowledge and dedicate for the community. Essentially, humanity shows in the way humans appreciates and respect human integrity, which consists of mind, emotion, body, and harmony. A truly dignified human being is a person who always acts using a combination of his/her sensibilities and intellectual as well as physical skills to foster peace and harmony in society.

An Academic Community of International Standard. An academic community is one that is critical in its continous search to discover, respect, and convey the truth in any branch of scientific study. Hence, Unpar intent in development of knowledge through research and applied through learning and services to the community of West Java in particular. By aspiring to international standards, the academic community to be established will not only gain national but also international recognition in research, learning, and community services.


  • Number of students : 11,000
  • Student association : 30 units
  • Number of faculty member : 750 (full and part time, Professor, Doctor, Master, and professional).
  • Number of alumni : 1,800 — 2,000 each year.
  • Internet capacity : 70 Mbps


UNPAR is mainly located at Ciumbuleuit campus. The campus consist of ten main buildings, which are connected by fiber optic network. Wireless internet services are available throught out public area arount the campus.

Library has approximately 66 thousands collection of books and journals. Other public facilities such as banks, post offices, canteens, photo copy and stationary center are also available. Student centre accomodate student association and other students activity in sports, traditional dance, etc.

Research and Community Services

Unpar’s Institute for Research and Community Services is established since 1963. The main task of the Institute specifically govern coordination and managing research and community services. There are several research center within the institute, such as

  • Center of Excellence in Small and Medium Enterprise development;
  • Center of Excellence in Infrastucture development;
  • Center for Human Development and Human Justice;
  • Legal Aid Institute;
  • Center for Policy and Management Studies;
  • Center for Business Studies;
  • Parahyangan Center for International Studies;
  • Parahyangan Center for European Studies.