

The University of Udayana was established on August, 17th 1962. Prior to this date, however, since September, 29th 1958, a faculty named the Udayana Faculty of Leters was already established as a branch of the University of Airlangga Surabaya. The Udayana Faculty of Letters, which was the embryo of the University of Udayana, was officeially acknowledged as part of the University of Airlangga since January, 1st 1959. This official establishment of the Udayana Faculty of Letters was a significant event in the growth and development of Udayana University.

In the beginning of the 1960s, the people of Bali aspired to have a Tertiary Institution on the island. In order to realize this aspiration, on May, 12th 1961, several figures from the educational sector, government, and community leaders conducted a conference that led by Prof.Dr. Purbatjaraka, and assisted by Prof. Dr. Ida Bagus Mantra as secretary. The conference discussed the steps which aere required for the preparation of the establishment of a tertiary institution in Bali. An agreement was also reached for the formation of a committee led by dr. Anak Agung Made Djelantik, Head of the Board of Health in Bali, with a team of eight.

Subsequently, the committee formed an institution named the Tertiary Education Institution of Bali, chaired by Ir. Ida bagus Oka (Coordinator of Public Works Boards in the Southeast Islands Region); vice chaired by Dr. I Gusti Ngurah Gede Ngurah, assisted by two secretaries, Prof. Dr. Ida Bagus Mantra, and Drh. G.D. Teken Temadja. This institution succeeded in forming the Preparatory Committee for the establishment of Udayana University Bali on January, 15th 1962.


Udayana University seeks to be a leading university whose graduates reflect highly potential, the best amongst their generation; moved further towards self-reliance; and will remain be fully engaged with our local indigenous knowledge and practices.

The university’s vision stated in the statute formulated in 2009 is as follows: “The University Is Established to Produce Superior, independent and Cultured Human Resources.”

In order to make the academic staff, administrative staff and the students (sivitas akademika) have similar perception and understanding of the direction of the university’s long-term development, the meaning of the vision is describe as follows.
Superior Human Resources refers to those who are highly competent, competitive and wise in developing the knowledge they have to enhance values of the state and nation and human beings in general (referred to as cakra widya prawartana). Such superior human resources are in line with the university’s motto taki-takining sewake guna widya.

Independent Human Resources refers to those who have strong personality and ability in interacting with their dynamically changing environment.

Cultured Human Resources refers to those who have inner sensitivity and sharpness and who are able to utilize great local cultural values, which are universal in nature for interacting in society.

To achieve such a vision, the missions of the higher education performed at Udayana University can be formulated as follows:

  1. Undertaking quality higher education and producing graduates with high moral, ethics and integrity in line with what is demanded for by the local, national and international communities;
  2. Developing research and public service as needed by the state and community;
  3. Empowering the university as the one referring to the development of science and technology.

Why Study at Udayana University?

As one of the leading universities in Eastern Indonesia, we offer excellent opportunities for study and research at many levels; diploma, undergraduate, master and doctorate programs. Students are able to pursue through both coursework and research program.

Experience of Unique Culture

Bali is unique because of its tourism and hospitality industries. Those aspects make Bali become stronger compared to other regions in Indonesia. Its beautiful scenery, its people, its culture, and traditions have made Bali popular for decades. A perfect combination of well-known Balinese culture and its rich diversity of peoples provide a dynamic learning environment, which will in turn stimulate creativity and innovation.

Extensive Choices of Subjects

As a leading university, Udayana University offers exciting opportunities for more than 100 undergraduate and graduate degree programs, with expert and specialist staffs and researchers with global reputation.

Study part-time

Our programs allow the students for studying part time while on employment.

Study skills

Udayana University believes in its potential in developing independent, creative, and analytical thinking but remains committed in practicing their existing indigenous knowledge. To assist the students in their studies, Udayana University offers qualified academic staffs, qualified library, modern laboratories, computer and internet access and other technologies that are relevant to the students’ courses.

Campus description

Udayana University has three campuses. The main campus is in Bukit Jimbaran, it is located at 25 kilometers to the south of Denpasar. This campus is relatively new, which is set in a large complex and designed like a town. Facilities include health clinic, university library, sport centre, post office, guesthouse, and university housing. Hospital, shopping centre, lake, and leisure facilities will be available soon. The facilities are available for everyone in the university community, and for the wider community. The campus is close to Ngurah Rai International Airport, it only takes 10 minutes drive from the airport.

The Sudirman campus is in the heart of Denpasar, located within easy distance of major sights of the city. It is home for postgraduate programs and medical sciences faculties. The campus has excellent and a wide range of facilities. Here you will experience a modern way of learning through satellite (GDLN), which allows students to access the distance tutorial and conference with other educational institutions in Indonesia and overseas; this resource houses radio station and internet services. Other facilities and services include postal service, bank, health services, library, and canteen.

Jalan Nias campus was the first campus built in the early development of the university. It is now home for the Faculty of Letter and Postgraduate programs of Cultural Studies (Master and Doctoral). The most opulent of this campus is the fabulous statue of Saraswati, the goddess of knowledge, a monument to love science and knowledge.

International student

Number of international students grows steadily, for the last five years Udayana University has enrolled 2.261 students from Asia-Pacific (Malaysia, Japan, Korea, China, Australia, Timor Leste, Morocco) as well as from Europe (German, Norway, Sweden) and USA. Strong academic programs, colorful traditions, moderate cost, and beautiful location make it an unbeatable combination.

The university appreciates the diversity of its students and believes that the creation of a multicultural learning environment is essential to achieving its educational mission.