Guest Lecture & Seminar Nasional Probiotik & Gizi, 18 Agustus 2017
Menikmati Sejuknya Kota Salatiga sembari Belajar Keunikan Jurusan DKV UKSW
Webinar with the topic: Freedom of Expression in Emerging Democratic Countries. Mateusz Woinski, PhD
2017 International Conference on Immersive Technology
The International Conference on Eco Engineering Development (ICEED 2017)
The International Conference on Advanced Management and Information Technology Services (@MITS 2017)
3 Jam Bersama Prof. T. Basaruddin, Drs, M.Sc, PhD, Direktur Eksekutif BAN-PT
Universitas Surabaya bersama Anggota NUNI memformulasikan Skema Pertukaran Dosen antar Anggota NUNI
Pengalaman Novelia, Mahasiswi Jurusan Sastra Inggris dalam Program Pertukaran Mahasiswa